Islam is
for the whole mankind
Islam is not just for any one race or people but the only true religion for the whole mankind. Islam unites mankind with the belief and worship of the one true creator. Here you can find information about Islam is all different languages and web sites of Muslims from around the world.
Albanian Arabic French German Malaysian Portuguese Spanish Swahili Swedish Tagalog Thai Turkish
Centro Cultural Islamico De Mexico A.C.
Latin American Muslim Unity (LAMU)
Lista De Entidades- y -Asociaciones Islamicas De Latinoamerica
Organizacion Islamica de Latino America
El Sagrado Corán. Búsqueda por palabras. Traducción castellana del Sagrado Corán.
Islam en un Vistazo.Lista de Centros y Organizaciones Islamicás
Musulmana España: Breves reflexiones
Las creencias fundamentales del Islam..
Le Saint Coran. Mot Chercheur.
Prends ton Dogme dan Le Coran et La Sunna: By Shaikh Muhammad Jameel Zino.
Quels mauvais serviteurs nous sommes!
Der Heilige Koran. Wortsuchfunktion. Deutsche Übersetzung der Schrift des Islam.
IZ Islamische Zeitung. Forum für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz.
faqe islamike shqiptare
Information on Islam in Swedish
The Sunnah Islamic Page TAGALOG
Kur'an-i-Kerim (Quran in Turkish)
Hadis-i-Sherifler (Hadith in Turkish)
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